Concept of Inclusion Its Need and Implementation health physical education

Concept of Inclusion 

The term Inclusion is used in the field of education that is why it is called as Inclusive Education. it is an approach to educate both normal and students with disabilities or with special educational needs together. Inclusive education means normal students and special needs student learn while sharing the same physical space and interacting socially and academically. It can be stated that in this education differently abled children are educated with normal children within the same roof. In inclusive education student with special needs spend most of their time non special needs students.

Need of Inclusive Education 

1. For self Esteem: Each and every individual has self esteem. it may be seen that differently abled individuals are less strong. They display qualities of self efficacy. They develop confidence in their ability to interact with ne another and the society in which they live.

2. For Better Social Skills and Communication: Inclusive education provides ample opportunities to have better social relations among student with disabilities and without disabilities. Students with disabilities get a better understanding of the world around them. A number of case studies show that children with autism demonstrate change in their social behaviour while being with other children without disabilities.

3. Greater Sensitivity: It is usually abserved that student without disabilities become more sensitive by learning along with student with special needs. They practise patience and learn empathy.

4. For Better Understanding of Strength and Weaknesses: Students with or without special needs in inclusive school learn that each and every individual has strength as well as weaknesses.

5. Higher Academic Achievement: Inclusive education is beneficial for the students with special needs because research studies conducted in this field show that these students have done academically well than in exclusive education.

Implementation of Inclusive Education in India 

In India the number of person with disabilities or special needs is really large. it is important that inclusive education is implemented in India so that the benefits are enjoyed by all individuals. Albert Einstein and Graham Bell who had learning disabilities. 
      1. the right to Education is to be made effective in all states so that every child receives education and through inclusion addressing children with special needs is also taken care of.
      2. Especially in rural areas are to be trained well so they are equipped with the required knowledge to teach children with special needs on an inclusive system of education. Workshops to be conducted to keep them abreast development in inclusive education.
     3. Regular analysis of school curriculum and amenities are to be done to develop a support team to give access to the regular curriculum method to children with difficulties in learning.
     4. Parents should be taken as a resource and be involved in decision making process to enhance their child learning. They are to be made partners in the education so that a collaborated effort would result in effective inclusive education.
     5. The differently abled students should not be looked at sympathetically. They should be recognised by their talents capabilities and abilities.
     6. Materials should be provided based on the needs of the students so that they are able to learn along with their regular peers. these include books stationary assistive devices audio textbook or Braille textbook, etc. 
      7. Curriculum expert should carefully design programme so that curriculum is made parallel for all the children with or without special need in inclusive education. A suitable examination system and periodic evaluation of children with special needs to be in place to meet the challenges and changing trends in special education.
      8. In this way both types of students with or without disabilities will also develop good relation among themselves. Sincere effort should be made to develop good relation between families of students with disabilities and without disabilities.
     9. For proper implementation of inclusive education students related materials like uniforms books stationery transport allowance stipend for girl boarding and lodging facilities therapeutic services teaching and learning materials assistive devices.



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