Creating leaders through health and physical education

 The future of physical education depends on the quality of leadership. The leaders who are working in this profession need to think about these qualities. The leaders of the future must have these qualities. The present day leader will have to inculcate appropriate qualities in the students who are entering in this profession. They should not concentrate on traditional qualities. The time is changing fast so we should use it optimally. The present day leaders of physical education should adopt the right path. time is ripe to change themselves otherwise the future leaders will also follow in the same lines. We should not forget that they have minute observation power. They will go on the same downtrodden path. 
The leaders in the field of physical education have both types of qualities, innate qualities and acquired qualities. Through the programme of physical education the acquired qualities can be created and developed successfully. Leadership can be created and developed through physical education programme up to a large extent. Regarding creating leaders in the field of physical education ample opportunities are available in a number of universities institutes colleges and school.
Physical education stress must be laid on the following point.

 1. The foremost point for in this area is to analyse which leadership skills are already well developed among the student and which needs further development. Try to know their current status with the help of various question such as, Do they have clear plan of activities, Do they communicate intruction clearly and encourage those they lead, Are the students that they are leading motivated, concentrating well and making progress,

2. Identify the students or group of students whose leadership skills you want to improve the most. Diced whether you want to have more student actively involved in leadership activities or you want to give the chance to signs of improvement of their leadership skills in organising various sport competition.

3. For improving leadership skills some of the approaches mentioned below can be used properly.
      (A) Offer students a range of leadership roles such as supervising and managing sports activities. They may be appointed captain of different sports teams. Give various responsibilities such as membership of various committees official duties and ground preparation duties other student in their play organising festivals and assisting teachers and coaches in running clubs and teams.
      (B)  Provide them some leadership courses. Make sure that any course you run leads to an application of the knowledge skills and understanding in a valuable context. 
      (C)  Give them opportunities to continue developing their skills provide a range of leadership opportunities that show progression in challenge and complexity. In this way they can progress.

4.  It is also necessary to have faith and confidence in student. Show them that you believe that they can improve their leadership skills.

5. Give them some rewards for showing improvement and give more responsibilities to successful students.

6. The last but the least to improve leadership skills through physical education is to start again. Make proper analysis of successes and then look at the areas where there are scope for further improvement. Because it is a well known fact that there is always room for improvement.

Safety measures to prevent sports injuries
  1. Warm up is necessary before practice or training: it is necessary to be warmed up properly before regular practice or training. Stretching exercises should be performed for appropriate up. It definitely help in preventing sports related injuries.

2. Be Hydrated: The trainees should be well hydrated specially during the training session. They should be encouraged to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during and after the training. It helps in preventing sports injuries.

3. Follow the rules and regulations of the game strictly: For preventing sports injuries the rules and regulation of the game should be followed strictly. rules and regulations are not restriction, they are designed to promote safety so that everyone can enjoy the game. For example a late hit in football after the referee whistle is blown leads to a big penalty. this rule is really important because a player could be seriously injured if he or she is not expecting a tackle after play has stopped.

4. Give priority to rest: Priority to rest should be given during the training sessions. You should take rest if you are under fatigue because it can lead to sport injuries. Sportspersons should also take at least one or two days off each week from any particular sport.

5. Follow a good diet: Always be sure you are getting a well balanced nutritional diet that gives you sufficient energy. Avoid supplements, which are not always guaranteed to be safe.

6. Don't play when you are injured: If you love sports it is tempting to get right back in the game even after an injury . But playing when you are injured is a bad idea. it can lead to an even worse injury. You should not play when you are injured.

7. Proper Supervision: If proper emphasis is laid down on the supervision of play ground equipment many injuries can be prevented. An adult can be appointed for proper supervision.

8. Proper footwear: The type of footwear you wear during certain sports can easily be added to the safety equipment list. The right running shose can reduce the risk of overuse injuries.



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