Elements of Yoga Health and physical fitness

These are called eight fold paths or eight steps through which ultimate goal of yoga can be achieved. union of our soul with the supreme soul. Patanjali described eight elements of yoga in Yogasutras.
These elements of yoga are stated below.
              1. Yama                              5. Asana
              2. Pratyahara                      6. Dhyana
              3. Niyama                           7. Pranayama
              4. Dharana                          8. Samadhi.

 Through the practice of yama one can abstain from doing things that keep one mind involved in the inevitable struggle for survival. Yama is the first element of yoga. One can remain away from violence. Yama consists of five moral codes of conduct. The brief explanation of yama is given subsequently.
           (A)  Ahimsa or Non violence: Anxiety, jealousy, hate, anger and such types of negative emotions are included in violence. one must keep away from causing harm to any organism or human being. we must not speak ill of others. We must not display any negative emotion. There must be love affection and regard for human being as well as for other creatures.
           (B)   Satya or Truthfulness: According to satya we must be truthful in  thought word and deed. We must not tell a lie. We must abstain from falseness of any kind. We must not speak to others in a deceitful manner. We must speak the truth at any cost. Satya is an important yama.
           (C)  Brahmacharya: not to take a diet that stimulates sexual desire not to read pornographic or sex related literature and not to indulge in sexual relation is called Brahmacharya. We must keep the above point in our mind so that we can follow the path of brahmacharya.
2.  Niyama
   Niyamas are also ethical practices as . There are five niyamas such as Saucha, Santosh, Tapa, Seadhyaya and Ishwara. 
Their brief explanation is given below.
            (A)  Saucha: We must be clean physically as well as mentally. We must keep our body clean externally as well as internally. A special emphasis is given to purity of internal organs in yoga. For the purity of internal organs there are six shudhi kriyas or shatkarmas in yoga such as neti kriya kapalbhanti kriya, etc.
             (B)  Santosh: We must develop a feeling of satisfaction in all situation of life. We must fell satisfied with what God has given us. We should not obsess after desires. 
             (C)  Tapa: Obstacles and complex situation easily in the way of attaining the objective and to go ahead continuously towards the goal is called Tapa. We should accept the conflicts like pleasure and pain , loss and gain in the same spirit.
            (D)  Swadhyaya: It is the first type of study. Second type of study is the study of self. To know about who am I. What am I doing. What is the aim of my life. The above two types of studies are related to swadhyaya.

3.  Pratyahara 
   Indeed to control the mind and senses is called pratyahara. In pratyahara, the senses no longer respond to the external objects that hinder mental concentration. The attachment of various senses such as words, beauty, touch, taste, smell, etc., diverts the individual from the way self welfare. The practitioner of pratyahara starts feeling extreme pleasure in remembering God.

4.  Dharana 
     It is seen that the mind has a tendency to get scattered but if the scattered mind is brought under control and set to one focal point, concentration is said to be achieved. The focal point can be in the center of the forehead or navel or a pointed soothing light at a distance. Dharana is a mental exercise which enables a yogi to go ahead towards Dharana and samadhi.

5.  Asana 
     Asana means position of posture of body,. It also means to sit in easy posture. Due to its popularity, most of the people think that yoga is nothing but asana. They are not aware that asana is a step towards yoga. In fact asanas are performed to keep the body flexible agile and young. Asanas also improve body fitness by reducing inappropriate accumulation of fat in the body. There are various types of asanas such as corrective asanas, relaxative asanas and meditative asanas. These types of asanas have different types of effects on various organs of body. 

6.  Dhyana: 
     It is a stage prior to samadhi. Dhyana remains attached to our life at every moment. Whenever we perform any specific task in the family, it is usually advised to do that task with Dhyana. But we do not understand its appropriate meaning. In fact, Dhyana is a complete concentration of mind over a period of time without any distraction.

7.  Pranayama:
      It means the appropriate control over inhalation and exhalation. Basically there are three constituents of pranayama, Inhalation. There are various types of pranayama such as Ujjayi, Murcha and Plavinni. Pranayama helps in regulating the metabolic activities and enhances the functions of heart and lungs. It also provides longevity to life.

8.  Samadhi:
      Samadhi is also called the checking or destruction of all the impulses of mind. During the stage of dhyana, when the disappearance of self awareness task place, the yogi attains the stage of samadhi. He being to feel the real truth. He forgets himself completely. He being to experience the divine pleasure.



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