Physical Activity and Leadership Training health and physical education

 Leadership Qualities and role of leader

there is always degree of difference among individuals in terms of quality. It is a well known fact that no two individuals are alike. These individual difference force people to adopt the path of a leader or path of followers. Leadership has exited from the beginning of evolution of human life. This feature can also be seen in the world of lower animals. the upliftment of a society depends upon the quality of leadership available to it. The following definitions may be helpful to know the actual meaning of leadership.
In simple words leadership may be defined as the quality of a person to lead others in the various facets of life.
Leadership is the ability to intentionally provide positive influences on the lives and behavior of other. The leadership should possess qualities that are sought for and admired by followers. A leader must initiate an activity under the group need and carry the activity to completion. Thus the leader is said to give the lead make acceptable suggestions show the right path act as a model for others and influence people to work together in the achievement of goal.

Qualities of a Leader   

1. Energetic: To be energetic is necessary for a leader in the field of physical education. it is the basic requirement for this profession.

2. Friendliness and Affection: Friendliness and affection are also the necessary quality for a leader in this profession. These qualities are developed through physical education programs and Olympic Games especially during training as well as competition.

3. Decisiveness: A leader in the field of physical education should be decisive. It means he should have the ability to take decision spontaneously.

4. Technically Skilled: A leader in the field of physical education should be technically skilled. He should be an expert in his discipline and specialisation.

5. Intelligent: A leader of physical education should have intelligence. intelligence is the ability of an individual to find out the possible solution of various complex problems. He should be able to find the simple solution to complex problems. An intelligence leader of physical education can be a boon to this profession.

6. Teaching Skills: A leader in this should have deep knowledge various teaching skills. physical education is taught in classroom as a subject. He should be efficient in various teaching method. Along with this he should be able to use body language gestures.

7. Creative: A leader in the field of physical education should be creative. Such leader can produce new techniques or ideas, which are needed in the field of physical education.

8. Interest in research: It is a significant quality of a leader in the field of physical education. He should have keen interest in research work. No profession can be uplifted without appropriate research. this quality is the need of the hour. Nowadays many problem are confronting this profession. Solution to such problems can be sorted out through research.

9. Good Health: A leader in the field of physical education should have good health such a leader can work for longer duration without any feeling of fatigue. 

10. Respect for other people: A leader in this profession should respect other people. if he does not respect others he will not be respected.

11. Logical decision maker: A leader of physical education should be able to discuss the problem logically. He should also be a good decision maker at right time. He should know that delay in justice is injustice.

12. Morality and loyalty: Morality and loyalty are significant quality of a leader in the field of physical education. He should be loyal to his followers. He should not forget his morality in any situation

Role of a Leader
A leader has to perform various functions and roles in the field of physical education which are described below.

1. Speaking for the group: The leader plays a role of spokesman. He speaks for the group. A leader must be sensitive to the emotions of other. He should be skilfull in translating the group feelings into both word and action.

2. Leader as Representative: Leader is the sole representative of the group. In the field of sports the leader speaks for the whole team. If the team faces any problem the leader discusses the problem with authorities. he fight for the members of the team. He is the main person who goes forward to talk for the team.

3. Leader as a Controller of Internal Relationship: All matters pertaining to discipline of the group team like rewards warnings or arbitration are all in the hands of the leader. The internal differences are settled by the leader. He makes every effort to raise the moral standard of the team. He takes decision either his own or with the help of others takes disciplinary measures against a member who is at fault.

4. Leader as an Exemplar: A leader inspires the member of his group or team by his quotable. He sets top norms of conduct character and idealism. He has all the qualities within himself that he would like to inculcate among other members of his team. The group unity is also enhanced when leader performs his work whole heartedly.

5. Controlling group behaviour: The physical education leader always tries to minimise certain types of individual behaviour that may be against the best interests of the whole team. The leader enforces rules effectively. He enforces the rule of the group using rewards and punishments. He may warn the member or player of a team who demonstrates indiscipline. He may give rewards to a player who perorm well and proves himself an asset to the team. In this way the leader of physical education controls the group behaviour.



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