Somatotypes or Body Types { Endomorphy Mesomorphy and Ectomorphy} Health and physical education

 There are various types of individual differences among them. Even some twine are not alike. They are different from each other in various ways. It has also been observed that even physically, people are different. Some are tall and some are short some are fat and some are thin or skinny. Owing to such differences it is a very difficult intricate and complex task to classify individuals. There are individual differences but even then there are similar in various characteristics of those individuals. On this basis of similar traits some of the psychologists have made  to classify them. Have they tried to classify the individuals physically but they are various type of physical activities games and sport. Different types of p required in different types activities games and sport. Each and every individual cannot reach at the apex level in each game. The classification of student becomes even more important  for a teacher in the field of physical education and sports because he can then teach various physical activities games and sports in a batter and effective way to the student only after having the proper classification on the basis of physical mental and practical aspects.

Classification by Hippocrates

Hippocrates was a famous physician of Greece. which are stated below.

1. Phlegmatic: This type of individuals are usually weak. They are idle passive lethargic and spiritless. These individuals perform work very slowly. 

2. Sanguine: These individuals are physically fit and powerful. They lead a healthy life and always remain elated and happy. They remain active and perform any work quickly. They have optimistic views about life. Due to courage and enthusiasm, they perform intricate jobs easily.

3. Choleric: These individuals have a very aggressive Behaviour. They are physically strong and powerful but emotionally weak. they have high aspiration and are hard workers. 

Classification by Ernest Kretschmer

1.Pyknic: These individuals are short statured with a round head and face. They are stocky and fatty. They enjoy sedentary lifestyle and remain happy. They are happy go lucky. These people tend to interact with other person easily. 

2. Asthenic:  They are all enough and slim. They have weak body structure. They are self centered. they talk less to other individuals. They hesitate to go into the crowd. They want to lead a lonely life. They criticise other person but can not bear their own criticism. They have less number of fiends. They are intelligent and their behaviour is completely introvert.  

3. Athletic: These individuals have broad shoulders strong body structure and powerful muscles. They are active and agile. They are both powerful and intelligent. Such individuals believe not in word but in action. They have balanced physical and mental development. They have keen interest in physical activity games and sport.

Classification by William Herbert Sheldon 

1. Endomorph: These individuals have short arms and leg. They have rounded physique. Their limbs seem to be shorter because there is a lot of deposits of adipose tissues. The upper parts of arms and leg are significantly thicker than the lower part. It is hard for them to lose weight. They have soft body. They have underdeveloped muscles. They have a capacity for high fat storage and become fat easily.

2. Mesomorph: Mesomorphs are categorised as in between the other two body types and are generally described as muscular. They have athletic physique and easily. They have well developed rectangular shaped body. They have thick bones and muscles Their chest and shoulders are large and broader in comparison to their waistline. They are physically capable of doing a lot of activities and tend to be athletically aggressive. They store fat evenly all over their bodies but they can become overweight if they lead sedentary lifestyle and take high calorie diet. They can excel in such sport which require great strength short burst of energy and lot of power because they have enough strength agility and speed. 

3. Ectomorph: They have weak constitution of body and usually face great difficulties in gaining weight. They have flat chest and have less muscle mass. The lack of muscle mass creates the impression that they are taller than really are. They do not have a lot of strength but they dominate the endurance sport because their body type is naturally suited to perform wonderfully in endurance activities. They have a quick metabolism to burn fat. They also have a tendency to stick with what they do best. Their light body constitution makes them suited for aerobic activities like gymnastics. The individual who have an ectomorph body are usually referred to as slim persons because their muscles and limbs are elongated. 




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