
Showing posts from May, 2021

1.1 Meaning and Importance of Physical education Fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle

 Meaning of Physical Fitness   Different people have different point of view regarding physical fitness. For a common person to have a good physique is a symbol of physical fitness. For a doctor , the proper functioning of physiological systems is physical fitness. In fact, physical fitness is a simple term with a broad meaning. physical fitness of a common person means the capacity to do the routine work without any fatigue or exertion and after doing his/her work he/she has power to do some more work with quick recovery. Physical fitness is more than the possession of strength and endurance. It means having the best possible health with the  capacity to do ones everyday task, engage in recreational pursuits and meet emergencies, when they arise .As a matter of fact , physical fitness is possessed by that individual who remains enthusiastic, works cheerfully and does the emergency work with vigour. Physical fitness implies a relation between the task to be performed and the individual




 There are a number of sporting event and games for which competition are held at both national and international levels. The competition for various sports and games at national as well as international Level are discussed below:   Athletics   1. National Athletic Championship:  This C hampionship is organized by Athletics Federation of India every year at different venues in India.     2  World Athletic Championship:  It is also called World cup of Athletic . This championship is organized by International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF)).   3  Inter State Athletic Championship:  This championship is organized by the Athletics Federation of India. The athletes from various state athletic association affiliated to Athletics Federation of India participate in this championship.   4    Asian Games: Although many games are organized in Asian Games but athletics is considered as the main competition. these games are organized after every four years by any one country of Asia. T


  Mainly, there are two types of career option in the field of physical education. The first type of career option is related to teaching and coaching physical education . These are called tradition careers in physical education . The second type of career option is related to emerging careers in physical education , i.e., health related careers, administration related careers , sports performance related careers , media related careers , etc. The above mentioned careers in the field of physical education are described here. Teaching career in physical education       Physical education has traditionally been considered a professional field appropriate only for those interested in teaching career . The teaching career offers many rewards to the teachers whether they are engaged in elementary school , middle school , high school , senior secondary school , colleges or universities. This career is usually considered to have many benefits. The teacher , in the field of physical education

1.2 Aim and objectives of physical education

  1.2 AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION  The aim of physical education is the wholesome development of an individual , or it can be said that the aim of physical education is complete living . In fact , the aim of physical education is an apex point which seems to be out of reach . In general , `wholesome development of an individual `is the aim of physical education and this aim can be achieved step by step . These step are called objectives . So ,it is said that the aim is one but objectives may be many . According to JF WILLIAMS = "Physical education should aim to provide skilled leadership , adequate facilities and ample time for the individual and the groups to participate in activities that are physically wholesome , mentally stimulating and socially sound. " According to the Ministry of Education and National Planning of Physical Education and Recreation = "The aim of physical education must be to make every child physically, mentally and em


  1.1 MEANING AND DEFINITION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION                                                                                                                Different people have defined education in different ways . A few of these definitions by some eminent people are listed below . According to HC BUCK ,  "Physical education is the part of general education Programe , which is considered with growth development and education of children through the medium of big muscle activities . It is the education of whole child by means of physical activities . Physical activities are the tools . They are so selected and conducted as to influence every child life physical , mentally , emotionally and morally  According to C A BUCHER, "An integral part of total education process which has its the development of physically , mentally ,emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities which have been selected with a view to realising these outcomes ,&qu

Changing Trends and Careers in Physical education

 LEARNING OBJECTIVES   1.1  Meaning and Definition of Physical Education   1.2  Aim and Objectives of Physical education  1.3 Career Option in Physical Education    1.4 Competition in Various Sports at National and International Level  The concept of physical education is not new .in fact, physical education has its roots in the ancient period although it was used in various forms in the past . its meaning was different to different people .The term 'Physical Education' is ,indeed ,complex and broad based . it includes many types of phenomena . in the beginning physical education was used in the was used in the terms of physical activities  , because physical education was essential for people to survive . But the main stress on physical education was laid down in ancient Greece. philosophers like Socrates , Aristotle and Plato were of the opinion that physical training is a must for youth . Even in India ,physical activities were the essential part of life in ancient times . T