
Function of skeletal System Classification of Bones and Type of joint Health and physical education

 There are 213 bones in children and 206 bones in adult. This system is a combination of various bones. These bones are joined together by ligament. Bones provided support and protection to the delicate organ of our body. Some of the bones act as levers in our body. Skeleton or skeletal system can be divided into two part for better understanding.          1. Axial Skeleton          2. Appendicular Skeleton 1. Axial Skeleton: This is Skeleton consists of the following bones.        1. Skull   -  28         2. Sternum - 1        3. Ribs - 24        4. Hyoid bone  -  1        5. Vertebral column -  26 for adult , 33 for child. 2. Appendicular Skeleton: This is Skeleton consists of the following bones.         1. Upper limbs   -  64         2. Lower limbs  -  62 Function of Bones     1. Provide Support: The bones are the principal organs of support. They support the whole body.         2. Provide protection: Bones provide protection for some of the soft and delicate organs of the body suc

Measurement of Health Related fitness and physical education

 A well designed fitness assessment provides student teacher with the necessary information to design a proper programmed of fitness for each student. There are five components of health related fitness. Health related fitness in important component of physical education.  before learning the method of measuring of various components of health it would be better to know about these components in brief.  1. Cardiovascular Endurance: It requires a strong heart healthy lungs and clear blood vessels to supply the body with oxygen. It is the ability to exercise the entire body for long period of time. This is an important component of fitness. There are various test to measure the cardiovascular endurance such as.  2. Muscular Strength: There are various test to measure muscular strength. It is the amount of force a muscle or muscle groups can exert.  as partial push up, weight lifting with heavy,  weight with few repetition, pull ups, partial curl up, etc.  3. Muscular Endurance: It can be

Somatotypes or Body Types { Endomorphy Mesomorphy and Ectomorphy} Health and physical education

 There are various types of individual differences among them. Even some twine are not alike. They are different from each other in various ways. It has also been observed that even physically, people are different. Some are tall and some are short some are fat and some are thin or skinny. Owing to such differences it is a very difficult intricate and complex task to classify individuals. There are individual differences but even then there are similar in various characteristics of those individuals. On this basis of similar traits some of the psychologists have made  to classify them. Have they tried to classify the individuals physically but they are various type of physical activities games and sport. Different types of p required in different types activities games and sport. Each and every individual cannot reach at the apex level in each game. The classification of student becomes even more important  for a teacher in the field of physical education and sports because he can then

Meaning objective and types of adventure sports health and physical education

Meaning of Adventure sports  Adventure sports are also popularly known as extreme sports. as a matter of fact adventure sports are usually outdoor sports which involve intense and sometimes life threatening action which create an adventure atmosphere. Who are involved in adventure sports compete against nature rather than competing against another individual. Adventure sports are those sports which are related to unlimited thrill, excitement, entertainment and adventure. Individuals take part in such sports for passion and entertainment and due to strong urge for thrill and adventure. by taking part in adventure sports one can learn about oneself, conquer the fears and inhibition and have a sense of achievement or success. These sports are not just for fun but they have a number of benefits too. adventures sports provided a sense of exhilaration , motivation and confidence. These sports help participants lead their life in a better way. They are motivation and hence develop the courage

Creating leaders through health and physical education

 The future of physical education depends on the quality of leadership. The leaders who are working in this profession need to think about these qualities. The leaders of the future must have these qualities. The present day leader will have to inculcate appropriate qualities in the students who are entering in this profession. They should not concentrate on traditional qualities. The time is changing fast so we should use it optimally. The present day leaders of physical education should adopt the right path. time is ripe to change themselves otherwise the future leaders will also follow in the same lines. We should not forget that they have minute observation power. They will go on the same downtrodden path.  The leaders in the field of physical education have both types of qualities, innate qualities and acquired qualities. Through the programme of physical education the acquired qualities can be created and developed successfully. Leadership can be created and developed through phy

Physical Activity and Leadership Training health and physical education

 Leadership Qualities and role of leader there is always degree of difference among individuals in terms of quality. It is a well known fact that no two individuals are alike. These individual difference force people to adopt the path of a leader or path of followers. Leadership has exited from the beginning of evolution of human life. This feature can also be seen in the world of lower animals. the upliftment of a society depends upon the quality of leadership available to it. The following definitions may be helpful to know the actual meaning of leadership. In simple words leadership may be defined as the quality of a person to lead others in the various facets of life. Leadership is the ability to intentionally provide positive influences on the lives and behavior of other. The leadership should possess qualities that are sought for and admired by followers. A leader must initiate an activity under the group need and carry the activity to completion. Thus the leader is said to give

Relaxation techniques for improving concentration health and physical education

Every individual is trying to adjust in this fast changing world but all in vain. Human being are facing various mental or psychological problem. Yoga nidra is usually referred to as Yogic sleep. It is a systematic method of guided relaxation that has a profound effect on body and mind. Yoga nidra also means Psychic sleep , with complete awareness. In the practice of yoga nidra, the body sleep but the mind remains awake. In the state of yoga nidra is called a state between sleep and wakefulness. with eyes closed . In fact yoga nidra is a very powerful physical and mental relaxation technique. The complete practice of yoga Nidra of the following stages.                                                                                                                           yognidra              1.  Preparation: Lie down on your back on the floor and adopt the pose of Shavasana. In this position , the body should be straight from head to toe. Legs should be slightly apart and arms should